Bankroll is currently $1619. Not bad for 4 weeks playing mainly .25/.50. I generally play between 2-4 tables and sometimes have a .50/1 table included. I have been very selective on the .50/1 tables and thats shown in my winrate so far. Btw this winrate is unsustainable and will fall inline once I get more hands in at that level.
My graph has a nice trend line. This will be my comfort zone for now and I will stay like this until I reach $2000 then I will take a proper shot at .50/1
I have a few hands to discuss. In the first hand UTG is Tighty McNuts and very positionally aware. His UTG raise screams of AA/KK/AKs
$0.25/$0.5 No Limit Holdem
6 players
Converted at
UTG | ($100.15) | ||
UTG+1 | ($21.40) | ||
Hero | ($61.20) | ||
BTN | ($19.00) | ||
SB | ($47.17) | ||
BB | ($19.50) |
Pre-flop: ($0.75, 6 players) Hero is CO

UTG raises to $2, 1 fold, Hero calls $2, 3 folds
(normally i would reraise here with a big pair but he is a decent player and I would have to fold if he shoved all in. I call and hope to set mine or atleast evaluate on a scary board)

UTG bets $3, Hero raises to $8, UTG raises to $23, Hero calls $15
(Bingo! He bets out as any good player would. I reraise a medium amount hoping to look a little weak. Im aware of the potential flush draw. I could and probably should have just pushed but that may show an obvious set, so I called to maybe show I was drawing to the flush.)

UTG bets $37, Hero goes all-in $36.2
(QQ just hit a set but also AA and KK would play this way. It also misses my fake flush draw. This is an easy call.)

Final Pot: $123.15
UTG shows:

Hero shows:

UTG wins $0.8 ( lost -$61.2 )
Hero wins $119.65 ( won +$58.45 )
A set up hand really but as I mentioned before a reraise pf by me and I would have had to lay it down to a shove. Any thoughts on this ?
Hand 2
UTG is somewhat tight passive and BB is the Loose/aggro playing 70/25/2
$0.25/$0.5 No Limit Holdem
5 players
Converted at
UTG | ($274.61) | ||
CO | ($107.45) | ||
BTN | ($100.90) | ||
Hero | ($48.50) | ||
BB | ($17.98) |
Pre-flop: ($0.75, 5 players) Hero is SB

UTG raises to $2, 2 folds, Hero calls $1.75, BB raises to $4, UTG calls $2, Hero raises to $17, BB goes all-in $17.98, UTG folds, Hero calls $0.98
(I cant remember why I just flat called. I should have raised this as im only behind AA/KK and he has a large stack. BB corrected my mistake by min reraising. This is such a bad play but helped me in a huge way. The call by UTG told me he didnt have a premium pair. JJ+ would have reraised for sure, out of position against a min reraiser and 2 opponents. I put him on maybe AK badly played or a medium/low pocket pair. Thinking I am ahead of UTG and knowing BB has a huge range as always I raise and aggro monkey calls.)



Final Pot: $39.96
Hero shows:

BB shows:

Hero wins $38.01 ( won +$20.03 )
BB lost -$21.98
UTG lost -$4.00
AQ is a killer hand. Tough to play OOP and easy to lose a stack to AK. BB's min raise sucked. For anyone that reads this there are not many times minraising is a good play. I see it soo much at the lower levels. dont play scared. Min raising does not apply pressure. There are times when this is effective but thats for another post.
Haha if he had flipped AA this post then I may have praised him for inducing a push but his range was so large that AA was a very small part of that and im ahead more times than not with QQ.
In Hand 1, you limit your implied odds by playing with only a 61 BB stack. That kind of stack size really hurts you. It worked out in this hand, in part because the AA player minraised, giving you plenty of odds to call. But if he had raised bigger, you would have found yourself in a tight spot where your set mining odds would have been marginal.
In general, I'm willing to put in about 50 BB with AA-JJ and AQ+. In this case, you would have been right to fold against a shove from the UTG player (if you had reraised preflop). But if your stack was a little smaller, you could have gotten it all in preflop and expected to see a profit in the long run.
Hey Gnome, I agree with your comments in theory but the blind levels in Hand 1 are .25/.50 giving me 122 BB. I have a BRM habit of buying in 100 BB which i was used to at FT. AP allows a 200 BB buy in which I might start to use for my benefit as the players are so bad.
Oh man, I'm sorry. I'm an idiot and assumed you were playing .5/1 instead of .25/.50. That raise to $2 preflop screwed me up when I assumed it was a minraise.
Please disregard everything I said.
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