Monday, September 1, 2008

August Recap

A positive outlook but frustrating. That's the sum up of my month of August. I played 10k hands across nl($0.50) and nl($1) and finished -$250 without rakeback/bonus.

Graph and stats

I have been playing a 21/12 ish style which, regardless of the outcome, has been succesful. The bad play was at the beginning. My first 2500 hands were played bad. I was coming off an $800 loss and playing a loose aggro style in the wrong spots. I pulled my game in, tweaked a little and started to see results.

Then, see notes on the graph

1) Losing with a set of Q's
I cant find any way not to go broke here.
2) My bad hand, calling 220 bb with just top pair. Ryverrat is a fish.
too embarrased to post hand history.

3) This was great. My last orbit before I wrap up my month and I get this.
I cant believe what he turned over. He was a relatively decent player. Had not got out of line in the 300 hands on him and was playing a 23/21/2 style. I dont think that he has much fold equity here by pushing to my 4 bet on the flop. I was about 72% to win this hand. He has no overcards and he must be putting me on atleast AJ here. Damn bad play by this donkey. I never speak to my screen but an 'Oh my God!' followed by an 'Oh my f*cking God!' and an 'Are you f*cking kidding me ?' were announced.

Not the best way to end the month but I am positive for next month. With rakeback and reload bonus I am around breakeven for the month. I know I will not be playing like i did or the first 2500 hands and hopefully the variance will fall my way over then next 10k hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see you're still having fun on the cards. Any regular games over there? And I finished the 100k race!!!!! It was painful but we got there in the end.
