Monday, December 1, 2008

60 Minutes Poker

For any of those that missed the 60 minutes episode yesterday here is the link.

To be honest I dont think it was as bad as expected. Don't get me wrong, there was never going to be any upside in a credible news show investigating Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet scandals, but I feel the 15 mins exposure it got was a small kick in the shin rather than the nail in the coffin.

After watching this I am left with these headlines :-

Potripper superuser account and the great work on the online community
Russ Hamilton behind UB scam and still not charged with any misconduct or fraud
That all sites may have cheating software.
Sites will never be safe outside of US jurisdiction
The building where the servers are held look very nondescript.

I dont see that stopping a large percentage of players, current or new, to wager their money online. I think this one will be swept under the carpet and that the newly branded CEREUS merger of UB and AP will make this while thing disappear in the foreseeable future.

Anyone feel any different ?

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