A quite frustrating month to be honest. I could have played around 15k hands this month but with house renovations, a trip abroad and a passing away in the family I could only manage the above. The fact still remains though that I am break even.. again! I cleared a $150 bonus = about $150 in rakeback so im up for the month but im not happy about it. To be honest I dont think there is much wrong with my game. I have analysed a few areas I need to work on and will strive to do this for October.
The bulk of my hands this month have been at nl($0.50) and I have played a 22/13 style. This could be closer. I feel like a 19/15 style would work so will aim to bring this more into line.
A number I want to look at is Won $ WSF % (Without seeing flop) = 38% Is this anywhere near where it should be. I generally raise 3x BB in early position and 4x BB in later positions. I need to work out if the 4x BB in later positions is building good pots to win or discouraging players to call. Obviously this is table/villain dependant but with a large enough sample size there could be a leak.
My button play is 28/18 which I am happy with and the $128 loss is due to a few large stupid calls I made. Bad play me.
So my call to you readers, can you see any glaring holes in my numbers here. Am I missing something ?
interesting on the 3x early and 4x later. For some reason, I was in the train of thought that it was the other way around, 4x early and 3x late. The reason being is that with the sheer number of callstations, you lose position very quickly. 4x early discourages these stations slightly more.
Of course, I'm still playing breakeven at 10NL so take that with a grain of salt.
I thought about this a lot. I used to raise the same amount in each position 4xBB and thought I could tweak this. My thinking is along these lines -
Theoretically as the pot builds exponentially you will be playing larger pots in position and small pots out of position. This has to be profitable.
You are more likely to be 3bet with more players acting after you than less players to act. You would save more over the long term by folding these 3x opens to a 3bet.
Now if it was 4x early you would get more folds and 3x late you would get more calls/reraises, therefore playing more flops in position but smaller pot sizes.
Im 60/40 that the correct answer is 3x early 4x late. I thought I had also seen this on a few cardrunner videos. Still not enough to be sure though.
Damn work blocked my access to 2p2 forums so I cant get a decent answer on this today.
Would like to hear more thoughts on this one..
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