Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Building Blocks



This is like finding an old box on the attic. As you an see from the dates of the previous posts I have not looked in here for a long long while. This is relative to the fact that I have played hardly any poker this year. Jan-Dec I would guess at 2000 hands.

I had to pull all my cash from my online accounts and even sell my dmn car to buy a big house in the country. This therefore left me with no fun money to play with.

Now im feeling the urge to play again. I miss the buzz and in a sick way miss the bad beats. Ive deposited $100 back on FT to get back in the groove. Not sure if this will be my home but lets see what I can do with this for now.

Most people that read this are probably playing at the levels I used to play and higher but for the players that want to watch my success or failure from the low levels please stick around, comment, chat.. Ill be hanging out here a bit from now on, ill be back to reading and posting on 2p2 and ill be looking to learn how to beat the game again in what I am guessing is a more difficult environment than a year ago.

I will put up a plan of action soon.

Wish me luck!