Thursday, May 22, 2008

Starting Poker at Micro levels $50

This subject has been floating around my head for a while now. There are still and will always be players that want to deposit the smallest amount and turn it into a fortune. From zero to hero, but as the realistic players know this is not easily done. We read stories of the players that turn $50 into $50,000, this is not the norm. This takes an incredible amount of study, skill and luck. You hear these stories but you dont hear the people that fail.

Ive coached a few players starting off the bottom rungs of the poker ladder. Almost always they start with a balance of $50. Their target... +$. This is where I believe things go wrong.

Ive been running around a 14bb/100 (7ptbb) level for the past 28k hands. This with rakeback has turned my $500 into just over $4200. This has taken 4 months. So the equivelant would be $50 into $420 over 3 months. How many beginners are willing to put the time in to play 28k hands, study and read alongside their game, analyse sessions and stick to a relevant bankroll management rule. ?? probably not many. $50 is not a fortune so winning $50 is not a life changing event. But they aim higher.

The reality is that $50 should have you playing an optimistic $5NL game. This is still only 10 buyins. The blind levels will be $0.02/$0.05, taking an optimistic 20bb/100 thats $1 per table per hour. Im assuming the beginning player will play 1-2 tables at a time so thats a profit of $1-$2 per hour. Does the player that wants to build a bankroll feel like they have achieved their goal. 3 hours of play for $3-$6. Jeez the minimum wage in the US is around $7 an hour right ?

The point im trying to make here is that beginner players with $50 should not concentrate on their bankroll as their source of their achievement. I say they should be looking at bb/100. This means buying Pokertracker or similar. At these levels you are not using PT for its HUD capability but using it for self analysis, for bb/100, position stats and hand replaying not $ made.

Making the right decisions is the key to poker. This means taking into account so much table information and if you see bets as just $2 to call and not 40bb then you will fail.

What gives you a better sense of achievement after a winning session 20bb/100 or $1 per hour ???

If you are playing for fun then it really doesnt matter. $50 is a couple of rounds of drinks. If you are playing to learn then that lesson starts with the above. If you cannot grasp the ideas above then you will not become successful poker player.


flamingred said...

Hi Ryverrat. I play at the micro levels, but i prefer to play low level MTT's or Smaller Tmts. Have you ever known someone to increase their bank roll to a decent level playing MTT's at the lowever levels, or am i just wasting my time????


DubsPoke said...

Good post Ryverrat. I'm one of those players (except I started with $24 on April 1st). You can track my progress at

You are 100% correct in the mental aspect of the game. I had a blast crushing $2NL and $5NL as I cruised through those levels in a month (using a 30BI standard for level increase). However, once I hit 10NL, I hit a mental wall which I'm just now starting to get over. Any suggestions you my have, I'll be listening attentively.

Take care,


Ryverrat said...

It's very common. The problem you will find though is that there is a lot more variance with MTT's. You could run 20 tournaments, play the right way and still not cash. But the day you do get paid out will make up for it.

bankrolls are usually built with sng's not mtt's though. check out the mtt section on 2p2 wforum. A lot of great information there.

will follow your progress. Ease your way into the new levels and you will find it just the same game. I found as i was moving up a level i would play tables at both levels. This makes it less of a jump and you can get used to the blind levels etc.
If you get uncomfortable move back down a bit. 30 buyins is a solid plan.